27 research outputs found

    Snapshots of an evolved DNA polymerase pre- and post-incorporation of an unnatural nucleotide

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    The next challenge in synthetic biology is to be able to replicate synthetic nucleic acid sequences efficiently. The synthetic pair, 2-amino-8-(1-beta-d-2'- deoxyribofuranosyl) imidazo [1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazin-[8H]-4-one (trivially designated P) with 6-amino-3-(2'-deoxyribofuranosyl)-5-nitro-1H-pyridin-2-one (trivially designated Z), is replicated by certain Family A polymerases, albeit with lower efficiency. Through directed evolution, we identified a variant KlenTaq polymerase (M444V, P527A, D551E, E832V) that incorporates dZTP opposite P more efficiently than the wild-type enzyme. Here, we report two crystal structures of this variant KlenTaq, a post-incorporation complex that includes a template-primer with P:Z trapped in the active site (binary complex) and a pre-incorporation complex with dZTP paired to template P in the active site (ternary complex). In forming the ternary complex, the fingers domain exhibits a larger closure angle than in natural complexes but engages the template-primer and incoming dNTP through similar interactions. In the binary complex, although many of the interactions found in the natural complexes are retained, there is increased relative motion of the thumb domain. Collectively, our analyses suggest that it is the post-incorporation complex for unnatural substrates that presents a challenge to the natural enzyme and that more efficient replication of P:Z pairs requires a more flexible polymerase

    Structure and Biophysics for a Six Letter DNA Alphabet that Includes Imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine-2(8H)-4(3H)-dione (X) and 2,4-Diaminopyrimidine (K)

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    A goal of synthetic biology is to develop new nucleobases that retain the desirable properties of natural nucleobases at the same time as expanding the genetic alphabet. The nonstandard Watson-Crick pair between imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazine-2(8H)-4(3H)-dione (X) and 2,4-diaminopyrimidine (K) does exactly this, pairing via complementary arrangements of hydrogen bonding in these two nucleobases, which do not complement any natural nucleobase. Here, we report the crystal structure of a duplex DNA oligonucleotide in B-form including two consecutive X:K pairs in GATCXK DNA determined as a host-guest complex at 1.75 Å resolution. X:K pairs have significant propeller twist angles, similar to those observed for A:T pairs, and a calculated hydrogen bonding pairing energy that is weaker than that of A:T. Thus, although inclusion of X:K pairs results in a duplex DNA structure that is globally similar to that of an analogous G:C structure, the X:K pairs locally and energetically more closely resemble A:T pairs

    Structural basis for a six nucleotide genetic alphabet

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    Expanded genetic systems are most likely to work with natural enzymes if the added nucleotides pair with geometries that are similar to those displayed by standard duplex DNA. Here, we present crystal structures of 16-mer duplexes showing this to be the case with two nonstandard nucleobases (Z, 6-amino-5-nitro-2(1H)-pyridone and P, 2-amino-imidazo[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazin-4(8H)one) that were designed to form a Z:P pair with a standard “edge on” Watson–Crick geometry, but joined by rearranged hydrogen bond donor and acceptor groups. One duplex, with four Z:P pairs, was crystallized with a reverse transcriptase host and adopts primarily a B-form. Another contained six consecutive Z:P pairs; it crystallized without a host in an A-form. In both structures, Z:P pairs fit canonical nucleobase hydrogen-bonding parameters and known DNA helical forms. Unique features include stacking of the nitro group on Z with the adjacent nucleobase ring in the A-form duplex. In both B- and A-duplexes, major groove widths for the Z:P pairs are approximately 1 Å wider than those of comparable G:C pairs, perhaps to accommodate the large nitro group on Z. Otherwise, ZP-rich DNA had many of the same properties as CG-rich DNA, a conclusion supported by circular dichroism studies in solution. The ability of standard duplexes to accommodate multiple and consecutive Z:P pairs is consistent with the ability of natural polymerases to biosynthesize those pairs. This, in turn, implies that the GACTZP synthetic genetic system can explore the entire expanded sequence space that additional nucleotides create, a major step forward in this area of synthetic biology

    Hachimoji DNA and RNA: A genetic system with eight building blocks

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    Reported here are DNA and RNA-like systems built from eight (hachi-) nucleotide letters (-moji) that form four orthogonal pairs. This synthetic genetic biopolymer meets the structural requirements needed to support Darwinism, including a polyelectrolyte backbone, predictable thermodynamic stability, and stereoregular building blocks that fit a Schrödinger aperiodic crystal. Measured thermodynamic parameters predict the stability of hachimoji duplexes, allowing hachimoji DNA to double the information density of natural terran DNA. Three crystal structures show that the synthetic building blocks do not perturb the aperiodic crystal seen in the DNA double helix. Hachimoji DNA was then transcribed to give hachimoji RNA in the form of a functioning fluorescent hachimoji aptamer. These results expand the scope of molecular structures that might support life, including life throughout the cosmos

    Synthesis and physical and physiological properties of 4′-thioRNA: application to post-modification of RNA aptamer toward NF-κB

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    We report herein full details of the preparation of 4′-thiouridine, -cytidine, -adenosine and -guanosine phosphoramidites based on our synthetic protocol via the Pummerer reaction. Fully modified 4′-thioRNAs containing four kinds of 4′-thioribonucleoside units were prepared according to the standard RNA synthesis. The T(m) values and thermodynamic parameters of a series of duplexes were determined by UV melting and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The resulting overall order of thermal stabilities for the duplexes was 4′-thioRNA:4′-thioRNA >> 4′-thioRNA:RNA > RNA:RNA > RNA:DNA > 4′-thioRNA:DNA. In addition, it was shown that the dominant factor in the stability of the duplexes consisting of 4′-thioRNA was enthalpic in character. The CD spectra of not only 4′-thioRNA:RNA and 4′-thioRNA:4′-thioRNA but also 4′-thioRNA:DNA were all similar to those of duplexes in the A-conformation. The stability of 4′-thioRNA in human serum was 600 times greater than that of natural RNA. Neither the RNA:RNA nor the 4′-thioRNA:4′-thioRNA duplexes were digested under the same conditions. The first example of a post-modification of an RNA aptamer by 4′-thioribonucleoside units was demonstrated. Full modification of the aptamer thioRNA3 resulted in complete loss of binding activity. In contrast, modifications at positions other than the binding site were tolerated without loss of binding activity. The post-modified RNA aptamer thioRNA5 was thermally stabilized and resistant toward nuclease digestion. The results presented in this paper will, it is hoped, contribute to the development of 4′-thioRNA as a new generation of artificial RNA

    Crystal structures of 'ALternative Isoinformational ENgineered' DNA in B-form

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    The first structural model of duplex DNA reported in 1953 by Watson & Crick presented the double helix in B-form, the form that genomic DNA exists in much of the time. Thus, artificial DNA seeking to mimic the properties of natural DNA should also be able to adopt B-form. Using a host-guest system in which Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase serves as the host and DNA as the guests, we determined high-resolution crystal structures of three complexes including 5'-CTTBPPBBSSZZSAAG, 5'-CTTSSPBZPSZBBAAG and 5'-CTTZZPBSBSZPPAAG with 10 consecutive unnatural nucleobase pairs in B-form within self-complementary 16 bp duplex oligonucleotides. We refer to this ALternative Isoinformational ENgineered (ALIEN) genetic system containing two nucleobase pairs (P:Z, pairing 2-amino-imidazo-[1,2-a]-1,3,5-triazin-(8H)-4-one with 6-amino-5-nitro-(1H)-pyridin-2-one, and B:S, 6-amino-4-hydroxy-5-(1H)-purin-2-one with 3-methyl-6-amino-pyrimidin-2-one) as ALIEN DNA. We characterized both position- and sequence-specific helical, nucleobase pair and dinucleotide step parameters of P:Z and B:S pairs in the context of B-form DNA. We conclude that ALIEN DNA exhibits structural features that vary with sequence. Further, Z can participate in alternative stacking modes within a similar sequence context as captured in two different structures. This finding suggests that ALIEN DNA may have a larger repertoire of B-form structures than natural DNA. This article is part of the theme issue 'Reactivity and mechanism in chemical and synthetic biology'

    RNA interference (RNAi) induced by siRNAs modified with 4'-thioribonucleosides incultured mammalian cells

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    Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) variously modified with 4'-thioribonucleosides against the Photinus luciferase gene were tested for their induction of the RNA interference (RNAi) activity in cultured NIH/3T3 cells. Results indicated that modifications at the sense-strand were well tolerated for RNAi activity except for full modification with 4'-thioribonucleosides. However, the activity of siRNAs modified at the antisense-strand was dependent on the position and the number of modifications with 4'-thioribonucleosides. Since modifications of siRNAs with 4'-thioribonucleosides were well tolerated in RNAi activity compared with that of 2'-O-methyl nucleosides, 4'-thioribonucleosides might be potentially useful in the development of novel and effective chemically modified siRNAs